As a Man Thinketh: The Timeless Self-Help Masterpiece That Has Transformed Lives for Over 100 Years – Unlock the Power of Thought for Success, Inner Peace, and Personal GrowthJames Allen
Radiant Living: Radiant Living: A Timeless Guide to Unlock Your Happiness, Build Better Habits, and Thrive Every Dayjames allen
Think and Grow Rich, The Richest Man In Babylon, As a Man Thinketh, and The Science of Getting Rich: Business Motivation and Leadership CollectionJames Allen4.7
James Allen’s book of meditations for Every Day in the Year: Daily snippets of wisdom from a great unsung spiritual teacherJames Allen
As a Man Thinketh & From Poverty to Power: The Life-Changing Power of Positive Thinking and Self-Mastery - A Modern Translation - Adapted for the Contemporary ReaderJames Allen
Getting Things Done: 3 Books in 1: Becoming a Highly Effective Person, Maximizing Your Productivity, HabitJames Allen4
Get Out of Your Head: Finding Your Inner Strength and Defeating Your Spiral of Toxic Negative Thinking to Discover Your Happiest LifeJames Allen3.4
Habits of Effective People: 3 Books in 1: Small Changes, Self-Discipline, Get Out of Your Head: 3 Books in 1- Small Changes, Self-Discipline, Get Out of Your HeadJames Allen3
Collected works by James Allen. Self-help. Illustrated: As a Man Thinketh, Eight Pillars of Prosperity, The Way of Peace, Above Life's Turmoil, The Heavenly Life and othersJames Allen
25+ Self-Help Classics Collection: Think and Grow Rich, The Richest Man in Babylon, The Art of War, As a Man Thinketh, The Meditations, Orthodoxy, A Confession and othersJames Allen1