Tut! Tut! Mr. Tutt: Tales of Legal Dilemmas and Witty Courtroom Drama in 20th Century AmericaArthur Train
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NY True Crime: Turn of the Century Cases: Real-Life Tales from the District Attorney's Office in New York CityArthur Cheney Train
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NY True Crime: Turn of the Century Cases: Real-Life Tales from the District Attorney's Office in New York CityArthur Cheney Train3.4
The Complete Mysteries of Mr. Tutt: Legal Thriller Collection: Adventures of the Celebrated Firm of Tutt & Tutt, Attorneys & Counsellors at LawArthur Cheney Train
Mcallister and His Double (Illustrated Edition): Collection of Detective Mysteries, Legal Thrillers & Courtroom IntriguesArthur Cheney Train
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