10 Masterpieces You Have to Read Before You Die, Vol.5: The Odyssey, The Republic, Meditations, The Divine Comedy, Faust and othersAristotle
Politics: Aristotle’s Vision of Justice, Society, and Governance - A Modern Translation - Adapted for the Contemporary ReaderAristotle
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Athenian Constitution: Exploring Ancient Athenian Democracy: Insights into Government, Citizenship, and Civic EngagementAristotle
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20+ Classic Philosophy Book Collection: Eastern (The Art of War, Analects, Tao Te ching), Ancient (Republic), Stoicism (Meditations), Medieval (The Prince) and othersAristotle1
30+ Classic Philosophy Book Collection: The Art of War, Poetics, The Republic, The Meditations, The Prince and othersAristotle1
20+ Greek philosophy сlassic collection. Plato and Aristotle: The Republiс, The Allegory of the Cave, The Symposium, Poetics, The Athenian Constitution and othersAristotle