Series Description:
This series will explore what contemporary theology in the tradition of Luther "should believe, teach and confess" about the God of the gospel. The series will critically engage, explore, and freshly formulate a wide range of topics in dogmatic theology. Every study will ground itself in the doctrinal tradition stemming from Luther's Reformation theology and accordingly will be explicitly focused on the knowledge of God given to faith by the Holy Spirit in Christ according to Luther's pregnant formulation vera theologia et cognitio Dei sunt in Christo crucifixo. The studies will articulate the content of faith in formulations which as such propose to be binding upon the contemporary community of faith.
Series Editor:
Paul R. Hinlicky
Editorial Board:
Matthew Burdette
Jennifer Hockenbery
Lois E. Malcolm
Derek Nelson
Piotr J. Malysz
Forthcoming Volumes:
Human Agency and the Spirit: Anthropological Possibilities in Luther's Antinomian Disputations
Candace L. Kohli
Lutheran Mission Theology
Dean Marsh Apel
Ubi Deus Dixit: Reconstructing Luther's Political Theology of the Two Kingdoms
Duane Larson
Doctrinal Theology: Faith's Knowledge of God
Paul R. Hinlicky