
  1. Pandemia: el año de la peste Mario Escobar
  2. Hype: How Scammers, Grifters, Con Artists and Influencers Are Taking Over the Internet – and Why We're Following Gabrielle Bluestone
  3. Truth is a Lonely Warrior James Perloff
  4. Clandestine Cabals: History's Most Cryptic Organizations John Harpoon
  5. Elites Unmasked: Lifting the Veil on a Secretive Society's Power Brokers John Harpoon
  6. Global Puppet Masters: Examining the Decahedron of Ultimate World Influence John Harpoon
  7. The Deep State: A History of Secret Agendas and Shadow Governments Ian Fitzgerald
  8. Conspiracy: The Greatest Plots, Collusions and Cover-Ups Charlotte Greig
  9. The World's Worst Conspiracies Mike Rothschild
  10. Doomsday Cults: The Devil's Hostages Alan R. Warren
  11. Out of Time and Out of Place: A History of Anomalous Objects and Events that Seemingly Appeared in the Wrong Time Charles River Editors
  12. The Human Condition: Exploring the Intricacies of Human Nature (4 in 1) John Harpoon
  13. Secrets and Hidden Knowledge: Uncovering the Dark and Hidden Forces at Play (5 in 1) John Harpoon
  14. Roswell & UFO Conspiracies – What Happened in 1947?: Alien Crash, Government Cover-ups, and the Search for the Truth Dylan Watson
  15. The Secrets of Area 51 – Government Cover-Ups?: UFOs, Secret Technology, and the Truth Behind America’s Most Mysterious Base Tom Miller
  16. The Mysterious Deaths of Famous Historical Figures: Unsolved Cases, Strange Circumstances, and Conspiracies from History Dale Wilson
  17. The Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle – Myths, Disappearances, and Theories: Exploring the Unexplained Vanishings, Scientific Explanations, and Conspiracy Theories Logan Palmer
  18. Hitler’s Escape Theories – Did He Really Die in 1945?: Declassified Files, Eyewitness Testimonies, and the Mystery of His Final Days Adam Harrison
  19. The Illuminati – Real or Myth?: Uncovering the Truth Behind One of the World’s Most Mysterious Secret Societies Alan Walsh
  20. María Estuardo Stefan Zweig
  21. Voice of Reason Kerry Barnes
  22. Orders from Berlin Simon Tolkien
  23. Lindbergh: The Crime Noel Behn
  24. The Tower Simon Toyne
  25. No Way Back Andrew Gross
  26. The Pandemic Plot Scott Mariani
  27. The Templars - Quiz Book: History - Myth - Legacy and 300 quiz questions to entertain your friends Seb Giroux
  28. Arsène Lupin Maurice Leblanc
  29. Collateral Damage: The Mysterious Deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Dorothy Kilgallen, and the Ties that Bind Them to Robert Kennedy and the JFK Assassination Mark Shaw
  30. Arsène Lupin: The Collection Maurice Leblanc
  31. State of Terror Louise Penny
  32. It’s a Conspiracy!: The World’s Wildest Conspiracy Theories. What They Don’t Want You To Know. And Why The Truth Is Out There. Tom Cutler
  33. A Place to Bury Strangers Mark Dawson
  34. Dallas '63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House Peter Dale Scott
  35. Assassination on Embassy Row John Dinges
  36. Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them Seema Yasmin
  37. Kyiv Graham Hurley
  38. Elizabeth Is Missing: One of the Eighteenth Century's Greatest Mysteries—Solved! Lillian de la Torre
  39. A Survival Guide to the Misinformation Age: Scientific Habits of Mind David J. Helfand
  40. The Truth about Belle Gunness: The True Story of Notorious Serial Killer Hell's Belle Lillian de la Torre
  41. The Terror Conspiracy Revisited Jim Marrs
  42. The World's Weirdest Places Nick Redfern
  43. The Georgia Guidestones: America's Most Mysterious Monument Raymond Wiley
  44. Hoax: Hitler's Diaries, Lincoln's Assassins, and Other Famous Frauds Edward Steers
  45. "R.F.K. Must Die!": Chasing the Mystery of the Robert Kennedy Assassination Robert Blair Kaiser
  46. Hitler's Terror Weapons: From VI to Vimana Geoffrey Brooks
  47. UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says Donald R. Prothero
  48. Flying Saucers and Science: A Scientist Investigates the Mysteries of UFOs Stanton T. Friedman
  49. Weird Earth: Debunking Strange Ideas About Our Planet Donald R. Prothero
  50. Monster Files: A Look Inside Government Secrets and Classified Documents on Bizarre Creatures and Extraordinary Animals Nick Redfern