Princeton Studies in American Politics libros en orden

  1. Experts and Politicians: Reform Challenges to Machine Politics in New York, Cleveland, and Chicago Kenneth Finegold
  2. Political Organizations: Updated Edition James Q. Wilson
  3. The Power of Separation: American Constitutionalism and the Myth of the Legislative Veto Jessica Korn
  4. Parting at the Crossroads: The Emergence of Health Insurance in the United States and Canada Antonia Maioni
  5. The Road to Nowhere: The Genesis of President Clinton's Plan for Health Security Jacob S. Hacker
  6. Bold Relief: Institutional Politics and the Origins of Modern American Social Policy Edwin Amenta
  7. The Forging of Bureaucratic Autonomy: Reputations, Networks, and Policy Innovation in Executive Agencies, 1862-1928 Daniel Carpenter
  8. The Rise of the Agricultural Welfare State: Institutions and Interest Group Power in the United States, France, and Japan Adam D. Sheingate
  9. Governing the American State: Congress and the New Federalism, 1877-1929 Kimberly Johnson
  10. When Movements Matter: The Townsend Plan and the Rise of Social Security Edwin Amenta
  11. Forged Consensus: Science, Technology, and Economic Policy in the United States, 1921-1953 David M. Hart
  12. Building an American Empire: The Era of Territorial and Political Expansion Paul Frymer
  13. California Greenin': How the Golden State Became an Environmental Leader David Vogel
  14. The Unsolid South: Mass Politics and National Representation in a One-Party Enclave Devin Caughey
  15. American Bonds: How Credit Markets Shaped a Nation Sarah L. Quinn
  16. Laboratories against Democracy: How National Parties Transformed State Politics Jacob M. Grumbach
  17. Checks in the Balance: Legislative Capacity and the Dynamics of Executive Power Alexander Bolton
  18. Rough Draft of History: A Century of US Social Movements in the News Edwin Amenta
  19. Faithful and Fearless: Moving Feminist Protest inside the Church and Military Mary Fainsod Katzenstein
  20. Social Policy in the United States: Future Possibilities in Historical Perspective Theda Skocpol

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