Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South
The Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South makes available in English some of the most influential evangelical thinking in Latin America and the Hispanic United States today. It is an attempt meet a felt need in the international Body of Christ, facilitating dialogue between churches, movements, theologians, and practitioners of the Christian faith for whom language barriers prevent access to each other's literature. By translating and disseminating evangelical theological production from Spanish and Portuguese into English, the journal seeks to nourish a more fruitful dialogue towards transformational action within the church around the world. The only periodic English-language publication of the Fraternidad Teologica Latinoamericana (Latin American Theological Fellowship), it has been published twice yearly since 2006.
We welcome unsolicited editorial contributions in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. They must be accompanied by a letter of introduction, a short author biography, and a high resolution jpeg image of the author and be sent by email to Submissions must be free of copyright obligations to other publications. If they have been published elsewhere in any other form, a notice of permission to reprint must be obtained and included with the submission. The Journal reserves the right to publish or not publish any submissions and to edit submissions chosen for publication. No financial compensation for published articles will be provided, but authors will receive 5 complimentary copies of the Journal.
Book reviews should be between 600-1,500 words, and full articles should range between 1,500-10,000 words. References and notes should be of consistent style, preferably Chicago Manual of Style's short-author system, and should be organized at the bottom of each page as footnotes.
Subscription rates: One year (two issues) $35 for individuals, $70 for institutions. Single copy $20. For airmail add $5 per subscription per year. Bulk rate: $5 less per subscription per year for 5 or more copies sent to the same address. Address all subscription correspondence to Lindy Scott, Whitworth University, Westminster Hall, 300 W. Hawthorne Road, Spokane, WA 99251 or email
Indexing Information
This periodical is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database®,
Published by the American Theological Library Association
300 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60606
This periodical is also indexed in the Christian Periodical Index.
Descubre un mundo infinito de historias
América Latina