How to Speed Read People: Think Like a Psychologist, Analyze Human Behavior, and Decode EmotionsPatrick King
Motivation Triggers: Psychological Tactics for Energy, Willpower, Self-Discipline, and Fast ActionPatrick King4
Elements of Likability: The New Science of Charm, Wit, Small Talk, and Social IntelligencePatrick King
How to Think with Intention: How to Identify, Transform, and Apply Mindsets for Control, Confidence, Growth, and FreedomPatrick King4
Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and BehaviorsPatrick King3.9
Improve Your Conversations: Think on Your Feet, Witty Banter, and Always Know What to Say with Improv Comedy TechniquesPatrick King3.5
How to Listen, Hear, and Validate: Break Through Invisible Barriers and Transform Your RelationshipsPatrick King3
How to Extract Info, Secrets, and Truth: Make People Reveal Their True Thoughts and Intentions Without Them Even Knowing ItPatrick King
Lee a las personas como un libro: Cómo analizar, entender y predecir las emociones, los pensamientos, las intenciones y los comportamientos de las personasPatrick King4
Mejorando las charlas: Habla con quien sea, evita la incomodidad, genera conversaciones profundas y haz amigos de verdadPatrick King4.1
Awkward Silences and How to Prevent Them: 25 Tactics to Engage, Captivate, and Always Know What To SayPatrick King4.3
People Tactics: Strategies to Navigate Delicate Situations, Communicate Effectively, and Win Anyone OverPatrick King4
Beat Fear: The Science of Overcoming, Managing, and Using Fear to Live on Your Own Terms and Break Free of your Mental PrisonPatrick King4
Everyday Charisma: Techniques for Mass Appeal, Charm, and Becoming a Social PowerhousePatrick King4.2
Introvert Survival Tactics: How to Make Friends, Be More Social, and Be Comfortable In Any Situation (When You Just Want to Go Home And Watch TV Alone)Patrick King4
The Art of Impactful Communication: How to Genuinely and Effectively Connect, Talk to Be Heard, and Create Remarkable RelationshipsPatrick King4.3
Push Yourself: Practical Everyday Motivation to Be Self-Disciplined, Take Action, Stop Procrastinating, and Feel EnergizedPatrick King
Connect Instantly: 60 Seconds to Likability, Meaningful Connections, and Hitting It Off With AnyonePatrick King
Mental Agility: Practical Methods to Think Effectively, Quickly, and Clearly, with Smart Insight and Deep AnalysisPatrick King5
Bulletproof: 15 Laws for Unshakeable Confidence, Defeating Your Fears, and Conquering Your GoalsPatrick King4.7
Limitless: Destroy Your Fears, Escape Your Comfort Zone, and Conquer Any Goal - Create The Life You WantPatrick King4
How to Engage, Connect, & Captivate: Become the Social Presence You've Always Wanted To Be. Small Talk, Meaningful Communication, & Deep ConnectionsPatrick King
The Confidence Formula: May Cause: Lower Self-Doubt, Higher Self-Esteem, and Comfort In Your Own SkinPatrick King4
The Introvert Survival Guide: How to Stretch your Comfort Zone, Feel Comfortable Anywhere, and Become a “People Person”Patrick King
The Science of Attraction: What Behavioral & Evolutionary Psychology Can Teach Us About Flirting, Dating, and MatingPatrick King
Become A Human Behavior Scientist: Observe, Read, Understand, and Decode People With Minimal InformationPatrick King3
Intentional Communication: Emotional Validation, Listening, Empathy, and the Art of Harmonious RelationshipsPatrick King5
The Independent Thinker: How to Think for Yourself, Come to Your Own Conclusions, Make Great Decisions, and Never Be FooledPatrick King3
The Art of Self-Awareness: How to Dig Deep, Introspect, Discover Your Blind Spots, and Truly Know ThyselfPatrick King
Mejora tu conversación: Utiliza las técnicas de la comedia de improvisación para aprender a pensar sobre la marcha, bromear ingeniosamente y saberPatrick King
La ciencia de saber empezar: Cómo vencer la procrastinación, estimular la productividad y acabar con el autosabotajePatrick King5
Cómo establecer límites: Protégete a ti mismo, exprésate con firmeza, recupera el control y libératePatrick King4
Para de complacer a la gente: Sé firme, deja de preocuparte por lo que piensen los demás, supera la culpabilidad y no te dejes manipularPatrick King
Cómo oír, escuchar y validar: Atraviesa las barreras invisibles y transforma tus relacionesPatrick King
Improve Your People Skills: How to Build Relationships Anywhere, with Anyone, in Any SituationPatrick King
Communication Skills Training: How to Talk to Anyone, Speak with Clarity, & Handle Any SituationPatrick King