Plick y Plock: Un encuentro sorprendente entre gemelos separados en la Francia del siglo XIXEugène Sue
The Gold Sickle; Or, Hena, The Virgin of The Isle of Sen. A Tale of Druid Gaul: A Mystic Tale of Ancient Gaul: Druidic Rituals and Romantic IntrigueEugène Sue
The Pocket Bible; or, Christian the Printer: A Tale of the Sixteenth Century: A Printer's Quest for Truth in the 16th CenturyEugène Sue
The Executioner's Knife; Or, Joan of Arc: A Tale of Courage and Redemption in 15th-Century FranceEugène Sue
The Pilgrim's Shell; Or, Fergan the Quarryman: A Tale from the Feudal Times: A Captivating Tale of Power and Justice in Feudal TimesEugène Sue
The Blacksmith's Hammer; or, The Peasant Code: A Tale of the Grand Monarch: A Tale of Loyalty, Justice, and Social Class in 17th-century FranceEugène Sue
The Seven Cardinal Sins: Envy and Indolence: Exploring the Depths of Envy and Indolence in 19th Century FranceEugène Sue
The Abbatial Crosier; or, Bonaik and Septimine. A Tale of a Medieval Abbess: Intrigue and Power in the Medieval Convent: A Tale of Triumph and BetrayalEugène Sue
The Iron Pincers; or, Mylio and Karvel: A Tale of the Albigensian Crusades: A Tapestry of Love and Betrayal in Medieval FranceEugène Sue
The Infant's Skull; Or, The End of the World. A Tale of the Millennium: A Gripping Tale of Societal Collapse and Moral DilemmasEugène Sue
The Iron Trevet; or, Jocelyn the Champion: A Tale of the Jacquerie: Rebellion, Injustice, and Resilience in Medieval FranceEugène Sue
The Iron Arrow Head or The Buckler Maiden: A Tale of the Northman Invasion: Intrigue, Love, and War: A Tale of Viking InvasionEugène Sue